Ep 32: Good Speed vs Bad Speed

Season #2

Join Marcus and Rob as they dive into the world of Speed! A subject that comes with lots of ins and outs and definitely one that may change the way you think about attacking the course! We hope you enjoy this episode and as always... Happy Flowpointing!

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00:00 - Intro

00:32 - How does path relate to speed

01:40 - How Cold Water Can be a Good Way To Feel This

02:50 - How your Movement in a Tail Wind Can Show A Weakness

04:32 - How is Speed Shown at the Pro Level

06:55 - Is Speed or Your Path More Important

09:10 - What Goes in comes out

13:25 - Pick a Thing to Work on and Stick With it!

14:10 - Gates and Speed

17:00 - How to Deal with Speed on a Narrow Gate


50% Complete

Two Step

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